Sometimes it just gets a little bit harder…. Todd is so tired, then he had to endure a drain through a lumbar puncture. Tomorrow, we will see if that makes a difference. The nurses continue to integrate his family into his care. We made a schedule that combines our needs and desires, with the therapist, and with the chair. This way Todd will be able to get the most out of his therapist’s visits, while still moving forward. We will bring him (and have) organic food when he is strong enough to eat. Right now he has Shepard’s Pie in the refer…. Who know what he will have next.

No chair today, no words. We works his arms and surround him with love and attention while we hope, dream, and pray that we can move through these setbacks. Todd will find his strengths, and that the path will clear so that our dear friends may join our sides.

As we look at the weeks ahead, we prepare to say goodbyes to Todd’s sisters, Jaime and Julie. Todd can say goodbye for like three hours if we are at a party for example. Me? I am more of the give you a kiss say goodbye and actually walk out the door. It doesn’t work that way here. You spend the whole day feeling that goodbye…… they already hate leaving there brother’s side and that is just our regular coming and going.

And I give you Jaime and Julie:

As Alex has shared, the last few days have been very difficult for all of us here, especially Todd. We have been told that the fluid stabilization in and the around the brain is an art rather than a science. So we wait and watch the artists, including Todd, work to find the right balance for his body. We are told that the drain procedure yesterday is a painful procedure, however it does keep us away from the decision for more permanent shunt right now, so that is the silver lining. We are also told to expect to see the difference tomorrow – less groggy, more aware.

It has been a wonderful experience being here with Todd and Alex. We have integrated well into the schedule that Alex has created and the time spent together and with Todd has been precious. We look forward to soaking up Todd Time all day today. Talking about everything and nothing. Working his fingers, arms, shoulders, with Yogi breathing and quiet, slow, relaxing, encouragement just as some of you have suggested and the doctors have taught us as well.

Today is our last day and we started having trouble leaving a few days ago. It is strange that 10 days have already passed, passing very quickly but also slowly at times. I am reading a book which says it well: Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does.

t&A, Jaime and Julie

P.S. Can someone out there help Susee Maunu North get here? We need miles or whatever, she can come (we hope) we she will need some assistance. We have a good care idea in the works for Trista…. And there is the other more obvious half of the equation. You may email her directly.

P.S.S Update from Wednesday Morning. The doctor called just before our lunch and Todd has been moved back to medium care. They are running multiple tests to see what is going on, they feel that the extra care is warranted at this time. Alex is already at the hospital and Jaime and Julie are finishing up some errands to help Alex for the few days she will spend before the next visitors arrive and then we are off to the hospital as well. We will update you all as soon as we can. Thank you all for your continued support and prayers.