Well Today I arrived to Todd’s room to find his bed missing and he was not there either. He has been relocated to medium care and his morning really sucked. …. As it turns out those pain spells are actually increasing seizures. This morning he was taken in for an EEG and during which Todd had quite a few detectable seizures. He was sedated and is now on anti-seizure medication. The Cat scan from Thursday shows the shunt performing well actually and the seizure can be a result from the shunt placing pressure on the injured area now that the brain is settling into its proper place. While this is an alarming development the Dr. said this is a common issue with the shunt placement and correctable. Due to the impact of his multiple seizures and his sedation, he was in a very deep sleep all afternoon. He could not be wakened by even the nurses and their dreadful pinches, it just makes me squirm. This new diagnosis explains his “sleepiness” since seizures are an extremely draining experience. It also explains why there was no change despite the lumbar puncture and fluid drain of Thursday. So while it is news we may not like to receive, it could very well be the information necessary to move forward.

Please wake up Todd.
Alex+Todd, and Yuksel.