Oh what a day.

Today has been filled with much anxiety and much progress. Big big meeting with the Dr.s. Mark and I were taken into a room – down a long hall way – with 3 Dr.s (one neurologist) and 2 of our favorite nurses. It was ominous and nerve-wracking being led down that hall and having the door close behind us.

The outcome of the meeting was rather promising on our end. And not nearly as dramatic as were the moments leading up to it. The conclusions of the cultures of the past week point to pneumonia and not meningitis, which we were led to believe might be the case a few days ago. Pneumonia is a common occurrence in the ICU due to the respirators and we are now well on our way to moving through that hurdle. Todd will remain sedated through out the evening and I just helped the nurse give him a bath and put him to sleep. He really seemed to like it.

His temp. is 37.5 and holding *

And everyone in the ICU is relieved – but none more then us.

Tomorrow is a big day. Todd’s father, Dr. Blair, arrives in the morning and we begin to revisit lowering the sedation and monitoring his response. Pneumonia is also a strong indicator that his internal temperature regulator is not damaged – which has been a big concern of all here. Pneumonia can be fixed.

One thing is clear – Todd is a fighter.

Good night from Amsterdam

We love you all

Alex, Todd, Mark, Amy and JakeEddie (who really really really wants to see his Unci Todd who bumped his head)

P.S. Thank you so much To Barney, John R., & North et all for taking over classes and commitments. There is nothing closer to his heart than teaching and his students. Thank you all for your efforts.

P.P.S Another change around here that was discussed was the relocation of Alex from the sleeping room. In other words we are getting kicked out of the hospital. The apartment will be available just in time (and there are hookers outside the window! Bonus) So if there is a bump in our communications which we are working on, it is not cause for alarm but just another transition here. We are not alone and have the loveliest of angels guiding our path. We have no idea how long it will take to have the internet installed, and after the wallet fiasco I can guarantee you I will not be carrying my computer around! Love Alex.